  • Online-Discussion, Zoom

Forced Labor Product Bans: their human rights potential and how to make them effective

The EU is debating a Ban on Products made with Forced Labor. How can it be a tool for positive change? What are lessons learned from other jurisdictions?

The event will start out with an update on EU policy developments. The discussion will then consider questions on human rights impacts and potentials of a forced labor product ban, drawing from experiences with the US Tariff Act.

Questions include: what are the impacts of product bans on the human rights situation on the ground? What are unintended negative consequences? How could product bans be a tool for remediation? What is the role of civil society in an effective enforcement? How to ensure policy coherence with the proposed Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and other mandatory human rights due diligence legislation?

Please register for the event via the registration form.


3:00 pm
3:10 pm
Updates on EU Developments

MEP Anna Cavazzini (Greens), Chair of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

3:25 pm
Expert Panel discussion


Judy Fudge, McMaster University, LIUNA Enrico Henry Mancinelli Chair of Global Labour Issues

Archana Kotecha, The Remedy Project, Founder and CEO

Allie Brudney, Corporate Accountability Lab, Staff Attorney

Irene Pietropaoli, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Senior Fellow in Business and Human Rights

Tyler Gillard, Responsible Business Alliance, Special Advisor to the Board

Moderator: Bettina Braun, Policy Advisor Business & Human Rights, German Institute for Human Rights

4:40 pm
4:55 pm
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