  • Ort: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Business & Human Rights – New Scientific Approaches Conference Call

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© Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften

The idea of embedding ethical principles in international business has been reflected by legal efforts including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, but also increasingly by national supply chain legislation. These legal frameworks have the purpose of holding enterprises accountable when violating ethical standards or when purchasing from partners that violate ethical standards. Despite these efforts, scandals concerning human rights in international supply chains still fill newspaper headlines and TV documentaries on a regular basis.

This conference brings together scholars and practitioners with different backgrounds. Twelve years after the endorsement of the UN Guiding Principles on Human Rights, one important goal of the conference is to reflect on the current state of knowledge on what tools can and should be used to better understand the impact of business on society, taking a transdisciplinary perspective.

Complementing normative deliberations and empirical evidence, the conference aims to initiate a discussion on future research directions and new methodological approaches: How can scientific approaches be combined and extended in a transdisciplinary and complementary way? What can the business and human rights field learn from other disciplines in this respect? What challenges are posed by new technological developments? How can these also be used in research at the same time? Additional to classical business and human rights approaches, we will specifically consider recent tools and insights from the fields of behavioral economics and social psychology. Another focus will be on the application of philosophical analysis to business and human rights themes such as sector initiatives. The interdisciplinary approach should broaden the pool of measures in human rights due diligence procedures of companies as well as legislative or policy initiatives of governments. 

Participants of the open session format are required to submit a paper or an extended abstract detailing their presentation subject and a brief author bio. Submissions are exclusively accepted as PDF documents by January 31, 2024. We aim to inform you on the acceptance of your submission by February 10, 2024. Please submit your paper or abstract to: BHR_conference2024(at) by January, 31, 2024 (23:59 Central European Time).


Gari Walkowitz
Chair of Behavioral and Business Ethics
Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg
Schlossplatz 1
09599 Freiberg
Phone: +49 3731 39-3696


Thursday, April 11

19:30 – 22:00
Arrival of the conference participants, Informal welcome dinner

location: „Ristorante Lungomare“, Krausenstrasse 11, 10117 Berlin, Link:

Friday, April 12

10:00 – 10:15
Welcome by the organizers
10:15 – 11:45
Keynote 1 - Professor Tara Van Ho: University of Essex

Identifying and Reforming Legal Barriers to a Human Rights-Centred Economy: Interdisciplinary Methods in Business and Human Rights

11:45 – 12:45
Lunch break
12:45 – 14:15
Open Parallel Session 1

Room A: Scientific Approaches to Human Rights
Miriam Schroer-Hippel: Methodological Framework for Human Rights Research
Katryn Wright: Changing Behaviour, Changing Outcomes: How Can Behavioural Science Advance Corporate Respect for Human Rights?

Room B: Grievance Mechanisms & Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives I
Bruna Singh: Clarifying Leverage within the Business and Human Rights Framework
Padma-Dolma Fielitz: Effective consultations along the supply chain from the perspectives of rights holders in the German context: Participatory field access

14:15 – 14:30
Coffee break
14:30 – 16:00
Open Parallel Session 2

Room A: Diverse
Ekaterina Zibrova: Rethinking diversity in an organizational context: a paradigm shift from innovation to human-rights based approach
Patricia Caparó & Florencia Otero: An intersectional approach to Business & Human Rights policymaking in Latin America
Matthias Fertig: Should I stay or should I go? A Delphi study on how to institutionalize corporate respect of human rights in conflict-affected areas

Room B: Grievance Mechanisms & Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives II
Ulla Gläßer: Implementing effective non- judicial grievance mechanisms in supply chains - the potential of interactive research
Jenny Laube: Responsive, adaptive, stimulative - Designing grievance mechanisms as a component of learning risk management systems
José Manuel Barreto: Colonial Companies and Human Rights

16:00 – 16:15
Coffee Break
16:15 – 17:45
Keynote 2 - Johann Graf Lambsdorff: University of Passau

Between Diffusion and Ownership – Experimental Evidence on Responsibility

19:30 – 21:30
Conference Dinner

Location: Brasserie am Gendarmenmarkt, Link:

Saturday, April 13

10:00 – 11:30
Keynote 3 - Joseph Vogl: Humboldt University of Berlin

Capitalism and Ressentiment. An example drawn from Brexit

11:30 – 11:45
Coffee break
11:45 – 13:15
Open Parallel Session 3

Room A: Digital Human Rights
Esther Jaromi: Holding Social Media Accountable for Hate Speech in Times of Conflict and War: An Urgent Necessity
Sarah Hechler: Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights – Recommendations for Companies
Tadej Uršič, Tara Sergeja Kadunc & Amadej Petan: Digital Lives of the Youth Along the Silk Road

Room B: Human Rights in Supply Chains
Christina Schampel: Sharing insights from HRDD approaches of German Companies implementing the Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains – Challenges and achievements towards establishing HRDD in global supply chains
Otgontuya Davaanyam: Corporate Human Rights Responsibility in the OECD National Contact Point Specific Instances
Carla Cabanillas: Between the German Supply Chain Due Diligence (LkSG) Technicalities, Human Rights and Environmental Degradation: A Multi-sited Legal Ethnography of the German Copper Supply Chain

13:15 – 14:15
Lunch Break
14:15 – 15:45
Open Parallel Session 4

Room A: Due Diligence 1
Yingru Li: The role of National Human Rights Institutions in embedding human rights principles within corporations
Nora Wolters: The Business of Human Rights? Assessing the Roles of Service Providers in Business and Human Rights
Josef Baumüller: Sustainability Due Diligence: At the core of the new sustainability reporting requirements?

Room B: Environment
Heike Hennig-Schmidt: Can sanctions and international interaction improve cooperation, avert climate change and contribute to a healthy environment?
Maximilian Erdmann: Circular Responsibility Alliances: An ethical meta-framework for collaboration in the transition towards circular ecosystems
Lys Kulamadayil: From Riches to Resources – The Natural Environment of the Global South and the Prism of Development

15:45 – 16:00
Coffee Break
16:00 – 16:30
Summary and farewell


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