

in accordance with Rule 9.2 of the Rules of the Committee of Ministers regarding the supervision of the execution of judgments and of the terms of friendly settlements

Case of Basu v. Germany (Application no. 215/19). Judgment date: 18 October 2022

On 18 October 2022, the European Court of Human Rights decided the case of Basu v. Germany and found that the applicant’s rights to privacy and non-discrimination had been violated as the German authorities had failed to effectively investigate his claim that he had been racially discriminated against during an identity check by the federal police.

On the occasion of the review of the case by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in December 2024, the Institute comments on the implementation of the decision.

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Themen: Rassistische Diskriminierung
Herausgeber*in: German Institute for Human Rights

Größe: (PDF, 347 KB)
Seiten: 14
Erschienen: 10/2024

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