
Annual Report 2022

The annual report provides an insight into the Institute’s work in 2022.
Topics among others: protecting women from violence, inclusive schooling for all, identifying and prosecuting racist crimes, human rights at major sporting events, trafficking in human beings, triage, disappearance of biodiversity, climate policy and climate protests, human rights and war, rule of law.
The annual report also provides information on the Institute's tasks, gives an overview of figures, projects, events and publications and contains information on the Insitute’s services.

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Themen: Asyl und Migration, Geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt, Kinderrechte, Klima und Nachhaltigkeit, Menschenhandel, Menschenrechte von Frauen, Menschenrechtsbildung, Rassistische Diskriminierung, Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen, Rechte Älterer, Rechtsstaat, Wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Rechte

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Erschienen: 06/2023

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