  • National Rapporteur Mechanism on gender-based violence

Monitoring Report: Violence Against Women. Implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Germany

On 3 December 2020, the German Institute for Human Rights National Rapporteur Mechanism on gender-based violence presented its first periodic report entitled “Monitoring Report: Violence Against Women - Implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Germany”.

This first report was also published as a summary report in English. The publication provides a comprehensive insight into how the phenomenon of gender-specific violence in Germany developed during the reporting period and what efforts the federal and state governments have made to fulfil their human rights obligations under the Istanbul Convention.

“Everyone has the right to live their life free from violence. The Istanbul Convention makes it clear: gender-based violence is a violation of human dignity and fundamental human rights. Protecting and supporting those affected is not only a social duty, but above all a state duty and a binding legal right.”

Müşerref Tanrıverdi, head of the National Rapporteur Mechanism on gender-based violence 

Data collection

Developments on the topic of gender-based violence and the implementation of human rights obligations is based on extensive data collection from federal ministries, subordinate authorities, state ministries and civil society on a range of selected topics. The following bodies were involved at the federal level:

  • Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ)
  • Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI)
  • Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)
  • German Judicial Academy (DRA)
  • National Violence against Women Helpline at the Federal Office of Family Affairs and Civil Society Functions (BAFzA)
  • Sexual Abuse Helpline, funded by the Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues (UBSKM)
  • Federal Association for Work with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence (BAG TäHG)
  • Federal Association of Women’s Counselling and Rape Crisis Centres (bff)
  • Association of Women’s Shelters (FHK)

The reporting period ran from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2022. The report’s evaluation of legislation and case law includes developments up to 31 July 2024, and it also reflects significant and relevant individual developments that took place after the aforementioned date. Publicly available statistics, documents and studies, including printed material from the German Bundestag and the federal states, were also used for the report.



Portrait von Müşerref Tanriverdi. Müşerref Tanriverdi hat dunkle, schulterlange Locken, trägt dunkle Kleidung und einen grauen Blazer und steht vor einer grauen Wand.
© DIMR/B. Dietl

Müşerref Tanrıverdi

Head of Department

Phone: +4930 259 359 – 26

E-mail: tanriverdi(at)

Dunkelblauer Hintergrund mit einem Kopf und Körper gezeichnet mit weißen Strichen.

Lena Franke

Researcher and Policy Adviser
(absent until April 2025)

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 482

E-mail: franke(at)

[Translate to English:] Konstantin Häusler
© DIMR/B. Dietl

Dr. Konstantin Häusler

Researcher and Policy Adviser

Phone: +4930 259 359 – 301

E-mail: haeusler(at)

Dunkelblauer Hintergrund mit einem Kopf und Körper gezeichnet mit weißen Strichen.

Sina Kahlmeier

Project Assistant

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 26

E-mail: kahlmeier(at)

© DIMR/B. Dietl

Bettina Krestel

Project Coordinator

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 28

E-mail: krestel(at)

Dunkelblauer Hintergrund mit einem Kopf und Körper gezeichnet mit weißen Strichen.

Jolanda Krok

Researcher and Policy Adviser

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 29

E-mail: jkrok(at)

Silvia Schürmann-Ebenfeld

Researcher and Policy Adviser

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 486

E-mail: schuermann-ebenfeld(at)

Portrait von Lina Schwarz
© DIMR/B. Dietl

Lina Schwarz

Researcher and Policy Adviser
(absent until September 2025)

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 45

E-mail: schwarz(at)

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