The current annual theme of the independent National Rapporteur Mechanism on trafficking in human beings focuses on children and adolescents affected by human trafficking. According to the latest National Situation Report on human trafficking and exploitation by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), a total of 270 underage victims of human trafficking were registered in 2022. However, it can be assumed that this only represents part of the actual amount of cases. Furthermore, it remains unclear to what extent the identified children and adolescents receive adequate protection and support and whether this support is in line with the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings and the EU Anti-Trafficking Directive.
To gain a better understanding of how protection and support for affected children and adolescents are implemented and where potential areas needs for action exist, the office of the independent National Rapporteur Mechanism on trafficking in human beings is conducting an exploratory study. The results are expected to be published in autumn 2025. Additionally, an update to the guidelines on drafting and revising cooperation agreements with a focus on children and adolescents is planned. Moreover, data-based reporting on the implementation of the provisions of the Council of Europe Convention and the EU Directive will also focus on this group in particular.
Website BKA: Human trafficking and exploitation 2022