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Concept for a National Rapporteur Mechanism on gender-based violence

Within a project funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), the German Institute for Human Rights (DIMR: Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte) has been developing a concept for one (or two) National Rapporteur Mechanism(s) to report on trafficking in human beings and on gender-based violence. For this purpose, the DIMR has been engaging in discussions with the relevant federal ministries since January 2020 and interviewing the relevant departments in the Federal States (Länder), as well as civil society counselling services and lawyers active in these areas.

This paper outlines the core elements, roles and activities envisaged for a National Rapporteur Mechanism on gender-based violence. As one of the outcomes of the project for the BMFSFJ, it is based both on the conversations mentioned above and the expertise of the DIMR. It is intended to serve as a source of both information and guidance for the dialogue and processes for establishing a National Rapporteur Mechanism on gender-based violence going forward.

Topic(s): Gender-based violence
Publisher: German Institute for Human Rights

Filesize: (PDF, 220 KB)
Number of pages: 7
Publishing date: 03/2022

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