
Rights of older persons

© DIMR/B. Dietl

Older persons in Germany are restricted in their basic and human rights in many respects. This is evidenced by the challenges and problems that have become apparent in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as increasing poverty in old age and everyday discrimination against older persons.

The number of people in Germany aged 65 and over has risen significantly since 1991, from 12 million to 18.4 million in 2021. Older persons are a particularly heterogeneous population group, and an individual’s calendar age alone is of limited information value. An individual’s situation depends, among other things, on their economic and social situation, family situation, level of education and home environment. Accordingly, human rights vulnerabilities differ within the group.

Human dignity does not depend on age, ability or a person’s need for support. The state must respect, protect and guarantee the rights of older persons.

The Institute promotes the process of strengthening the rights of older persons at national, regional and international level and is committed to the development of an international convention on the rights of older persons.

Key concerns

  • Protection of the rights of older persons by way of an international convention that defines their rights explicitly.
  • Increasing the visibility of older persons in the United Nations human rights protection system.
  • Strengthening the human rights of older persons worldwide and also in Germany with the aim of decreasing age-based discrimination. Older persons must be better informed about their rights.


© DIMR/B. Dietl

Dr. Claudia Mahler

Head of Team Rights of older persons

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 125

E-mail: mahler(at)

Dunkelblauer Hintergrund mit einem Kopf und Körper gezeichnet mit weißen Strichen.

Peter Litschke

Senior Researcher and Policy Adviser

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 457

E-mail: litschke(at)

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