
Rights of persons with disabilities

© DIMR/B. Dietl

Persons with disabilities are more affected by discrimination and have fewer opportunities for participation than persons without disabilities. The German Institute for Human Rights is committed to ensuring that Germany respects, protects and guarantees the rights of persons with disabilities and establishes an inclusive society in which all persons can participate on an equal basis with others. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) has been in force in Germany since 2009 and its implementation is monitored by the Institute through its National CRPD Monitoring Mechanism, according to Article 33(2) CRPD.

Key concerns

  • Consistent implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by all government agencies with the meaningful and effective participation of persons with disabilities and their representative organisations.
  • The dismantling of segregating special environments for persons with disabilities in the areas of housing, work and education, and the implementation of the right to full participation in society.
  • Strengthening the self-determination and personal rights of persons with disabilities.

State party review

The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities examined the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Germany over the period 2018 – 2023 and published its Concluding Observations on 3 October 2023. These contain numerous recommendations and demands regarding Germany’s implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the coming years. The Monitoring Mechanism submitted a Parallel Report as part of the procedure.

Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2023): Concluding observations on the combined second and third periodic reports of Germany, UN Doc. CRPD/C/DEU/CO/2-3



© DIMR/B. Dietl

Dr. Leander Palleit

Head of Department

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 450

E-mail: palleit(at)

© DIMR/B. Dietl

Dr. Britta Schlegel

Head of Department

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 450

E-mail: schlegel(at)

© DIMR/B. Dietl

Cathrin Kameni

Assistant to the Heads of Department

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 450

E-mail: un-brk(at)

Portrait von Ezri Aydinlik. Sie trägt das lange Haar offen und einen dunklen Blazer mit einem dunklen Oberteil darunter.
© DIMR/B. Dietl

Ezgi Aydınlık

Researcher and Policy Adviser

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 477

E-mail: aydinlik(at)

Portrait von Catharina Hübner
© DIMR/B. Dietl

Dr. Catharina Hübner

Researcher and Policy Adviser
Project Management Monitoring Berlin

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 413

E-mail: huebner(at)

© DIMR/B. Dietl

Dr. Susann Kroworsch

Senior Researcher and Policy Adviser

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 444

E-mail: kroworsch(at)

Frieder Kurbjeweit

Researcher and Policy Adviser

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 442

E-mail: kurbjeweit(at)

Dunkelblauer Hintergrund mit einem Kopf und Körper gezeichnet mit weißen Strichen.

Peter Litschke

Senior Researcher and Policy Adviser
(absent until the end of January 2025)

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 457

E-mail: litschke(at)

© Sebastian Fachbach

Sandra Niggemann

Researcher and Policy Adviser
Monitoring Saarland

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 237

E-mail: niggemann(at)

Porträt von Jana Offergeld. Sie hat lockige dunkelblonde Haare und trägt einen roten Rollkragenpulli.
© DIMR/B.Dietl

Dr. Jana Offergeld

Researcher and Policy Adviser

Phone: 030 259 359 - 244

E-mail: offergeld(at)

Portrait von Sabrina Prem zeigt sie lächelnd mit langen Haaren, einem dunklen Blazer und grüner Bluse vor einer grauen Wand.
© DIMR/B. Dietl

Sabrina Prem

Researcher and Policy Adviser

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 402

E-mail: prem(at)

Porträt von Doktor Nicole Viktoria Przytulla (ausgesprochen: „Pschütulla“). Ihre grau-blonden Haare sind kurzgeschnitten und sie trägt eine Brille mit orangenem Bügel. Ihre Augen sind blau.
© DIMR/B. Dietl

Dr. Nicole Viktoria Przytulla

Researcher and Policy Adviser

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 469

E-mail: przytulla(at)

© DIMR/B. Dietl

Freda Wagner

Monitoring Body for Digital Accessibility of Saarland

Phone: +4930 259 359 – 247

E-mail: wagner(at)

Dunkelblauer Hintergrund mit einem Kopf und Körper gezeichnet mit weißen Strichen.

Dr. Sören Zimmermann

Researcher and Policy Adviser
Monitoring Saarland

Phone: +4930 259 359-416

E-mail: zimmermann(at)

Dunkelblauer Hintergrund mit einem Kopf und Körper gezeichnet mit weißen Strichen.

Mina Rein

Student Assistant

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 464

E-mail: mrein(at)

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