
Rule of law

© DIMR/B. Dietl

In many countries, political currents are gaining strength that want to undermine constitutional institutions and procedures and reject human rights. Even though the recognition of human rights in Germany is based on a stable foundation, we observe that the rule of law and its institutions are also being called into question in this country; this also happens when individual groups of people are denied their human rights.

These developments fundamentally challenge human rights and require human rights responses.

The Institute promotes human rights and, in particular, the protection and recognition of the importance of rule of law institutions and procedures, as well as an enabling environment for the realisation of human rights. It is committed to ensuring that human rights and rule of law guarantees are not undermined, including through contributions to debates and events that address dangerous shifts in discourse and attacks on human rights standards.

Key concerns

  • Defending human rights and rule of law guarantees.
  • Protecting and promoting civil society’s freedom to act.
  • Strengthening the international human rights protection system.


© DIMR/B. Dietl

Nele Allenberg

Head of the Department

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 27

E-mail: allenberg(at)

E. Töpfer hat kurze graue Haare und einen Bart. Er trägt ein weißes Hemd und eine dunkle Anzugsjacke.
© DIMR/A. Illing

Eric Töpfer

Senior Researcher and Policy Adviser
(Internal security)

Phone: +4930 259 359 – 20

E-mail: toepfer(at)

© Photografic Berlin

Dr. Silke Voß-Kyeck

Researcher and Policy Adviser

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 465

E-mail: voss-kyeck(at)

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