The Institute

Governance and Supervisory Bodies


The German Institute for Human Rights was founded as an association in 2001 following a unanimous decision by the German Bundestag. Since 2015, the “Gesetz über die Rechtsstellung und Aufgaben des Deutschen Instituts für Menschenrechte” (Law on the Legal Status and the Mandate of the German Institute for Human Rights/DIMRG) has governed the legal status, mandate and funding of the Institute. It is organised as a non-profit association, politically independent and acts on its own initiative (see the statutes of the association). It is financed by the German Bundestag and – in case of several projects – by third-party funds.

The Institute has been accredited in accordance with the “Paris Principles” of the United Nations since 2001 (A status).

Both individuals and organisations with a human rights focus can apply for membership of the association. The Board of Trustees and the General Assembly jointly decide on applications for membership in accordance with the relevant regulations of the DIMRG, the statutes and the internal guidelines for handling membership applications for the German Institute for Human Rights Association.

The General Assembly discusses as to the guidelines of the work of the German Institute for Human Rights and makes appropriate recommendations.

Members of the association

Board of Trustees

The guidelines for the Institute’s work are set by a board of trustees composed of representatives from civil society, academia, media and politics. The Board of Trustees consists of 18 members with voting rights and nine members without voting rights (§ 24 Statutes). The Board of Trustees elects a Chairperson and two Vice-Chairpersons from among its voting members for a period of four years.

Members of the Board of Trustees

Board of Directors

The Board of Trustees appoints the Board of Directors for a term of office of four years. The Board of Directors consists of a chair and deputy. Reappointment is permitted.

The Board of Directors currently consists of Professor Dr Beate Rudolf, Director, and Michael Windfuhr, Deputy Director.

The Board of Directors of the Institute

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