
Monitoring Report: Human Trafficking in Germany

On the occasion of the European Anti-Trafficking Day on 18 October 2024, the independent National Rapporteur Mechanism on Trafficking in Human Beings at the German Institute for Human Rights presented its first periodic report entitled, "Monitoring Report: Human Trafficking in Germany".

A summary of the report was also published in English. The report provides deep insights into how the phenomenon of human trafficking in Germany developed during the reporting period and what efforts the federal and state governments have undertaken to fulfil their obligations under human rights legislation and European law. In its first reporting cycle, the independent National Rapporteur Mechanism on Trafficking in Human Beings focused on the topics of the National Referral Mechanism and labour exploitation.

“The Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings and the EU Anti-Trafficking Directive refocus the discourse on the victims of trafficking in human beings, and also demand the respect, protection and guarantee of their rights.”

Naile Tanış
Head of Department of the Independent National Rapporteur Mechanism on trafficking in human beings

Human Trafficking in Germany ‒ First Periodic Report

The report deals with the extent of trafficking in human beings in Germany and the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings and the EU Anti-Trafficking Directive in the following areas:

  • strategic and institutional framework
  • prevention
  • identification
  • support
  • recovery and reflection period
  • residence permit
  • compensation.

It also deals with relevant legislative changes in Germany and provides in-depth coverage of the annual priority topics of the National Referral Mechanism(2023) and labour exploitation (2024).


Data collection

The description of the developments in the phenomenon of human trafficking and the implementation of human rights obligations is based on extensive data collection by federal ministries, subordinate authorities, state ministries and civil society.

It covers the period from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2022. The evaluation of developments in legislation and German case law is based on data collected up to and including 31 July 2024.

Publicly available statistics, documents and studies were also used in the evaluation.



Naile Tanış trägt ihre Haare nach hinten gebunden. Sie trägt eine weiße Bluse.
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Naile Tanış

Head of Department

Phone: +4930 259 359 – 306

E-mail: Tanis(at)

Porträt von Anna Bußmann-Welsch. Sie hat kurze dunkelblonde Haare und trägt ein weißes Oberteil und einen grünen Blazer.
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Anna Bußmann-Welsch

Researcher and Policy Adviser

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 253

E-mail: Bussmann-welsch(at)

Porträt von Charlotte Felbinger. Sie hat lange braune Haare und trägt ein blau-weißes Oberteil.
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Charlotte Felbinger

Researcher and Policy Adviser

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 44

E-mail: felbinger(at)

Portrait von Vinda Gouma. Ihr Blick ist der Kamera zugewandt und sie lächelt leicht. Sie trägt ihr langes Haar zurückgebunden hinter den Schultern und trägt einen rosafarbenen Blazer mit einem schwarzen Oberteil darunter.
© DIMR/B. Dietl

Vinda Gouma

Researcher and Policy Adviser
(absent until August 2025)

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 308

E-mail: gouma(at)

[Translate to English:] Konstantin Häusler
© DIMR/B. Dietl

Dr. Konstantin Häusler

Researcher and Policy Adviser

Phone: +4930 259 359 – 301

E-mail: haeusler(at)

Dunkelblauer Hintergrund mit einem Kopf und Körper gezeichnet mit weißen Strichen.

Sina Kahlmeier

Project Assistant

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 26

E-mail: kahlmeier(at)

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Bettina Krestel

Project Coordinator

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 28

E-mail: krestel(at)

Porträt von Anne-Kathrin Krug
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Anne-Kathrin Krug

Researcher and Policy Adviser

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 126

E-mail: krug(at)

Portrait von Tobias Seitz. Er hat kurze dunkelbraune Haare, einen dunklen Bart und trägt einen schwarzen Pullover.
© DIMR/B. Dietl

Tobias Seitz

Researcher and Policy Adviser

Phone: +4930 259 359 – 302

E-mail: seitz(at)

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