Short Biographies

Walīd Malik, Researcher and Policy Adviser

© DIMR/B. Dietl

Walīd Malik has been working as a Researcher and Policy Adviser at the German Institute for Human Rights since 2021. His current focus includes children's and youth rights, human rights education, and human rights-based research.

Previously, he served for several years as an advisor in historical-political education, specializing in antisemitism and anti-Muslim racism, including at the Anne Frank Educational Center in Frankfurt am Main. In the aftermath of the far-right terrorist attack in Hanau, Hesse, in 2020, Walīd Malik was appointed as an expert to the State of Hesse's advisory panel on “ Group-Focused Enmity and Anti-Muslim Racism”.

Walīd Malik holds a B.A. in Political Science and Law, as well as an M.A. in International Studies and Peace and Conflict Research, earned at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, the Technical University Darmstadt, and the University of Toronto. He is a Senior Fellow with 'Humanity in Action' and an alumni scholar of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the German Foundation for Integration, and the Network Inclusion Leaders (NILE).

Ein Mann mit dunklem, lockigem Haar und einem vollen Bart lächelt freundlich in die Kamera. Er trägt ein hellgelbes Hemd und hat die Haare zu einem Dutt zusammengebunden. Der Hintergrund ist grau und schlicht gehalten.
© DIMR/B. Dietl

Walīd Malik

Researcher and Policy Adviser

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 245

E-mail: malik(at)

Short biography

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