
The International Fight against Terrorism and the Protection of Human Rights

With Recommendations to the German Government and Parliament

This publication is a shortened version of the study “Internationale Terrorismusbekämpfung und Menschenrechte. Entwicklungen 2003/2004” (The International Fight against Terrorism and the Protection of Human Rights). The English version takes into account two new reports that came out after the publication of the original German version in August 2004. It focuses on the question of how governments can thwart terrorism and terrorists, actual as well as putative, and on control measures that might prevent the violation of human rights. It also looks at German military operations abroad and formulates recommendations for the German government and parliament. The study is intended for persons interested in this subject who work in politics, academia and the media and, not least, for the general public.

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Author: Dr. Wolfgang S. Heinz, Jan-Michael Arend
Topic(s): Rule of law
Publisher: German Institute for Human Rights

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ISBN: 3-937714-07-3 (PDF)
Number of pages: 43
Publishing date: 08/2005

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