
Germany’s Accession to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

To guarantee modern environmental and social standards and seize the opportunity for greater transparency and accountability!

Germany will ratify its accession agreement to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) before the end of the year. The candidate countries currently negotiate in multiple rounds key documents such as environmental and social standards as well as the information and disclo-sure policy.

Germany’s Bundestag should; seize the op-portunity of AIIB accession to create transparency and reporting requirements for Germany’s participation in the framework of multilateral organizations and to anchor the necessary pro-cedures and instruments into national law for the first time.

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Author: Andrea Kämpf
Topic(s): Business and human rights
Publisher: German Institute for Human Rights

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ISSN: 2190-9121 (PDF)
Number of pages: 4
Publishing date: 01/2016

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