Report on the development of the human rights situation in Germany

Executive Summary: Development of the human rights situation in Germany. July 2019 — June 2020

Report to the German Federal Parliament in accordance with section 2 (5) of the Act on the Legal Status and Mandate of the German Institute for Human Rights

Institute for Human Rights annually submits a report on the development of the human rights situation in Germany to the German Federal Parliament (in accordance with sec. 2 para. 5 of the Act regarding the Legal Status and Mandate of the German Institute for Human Rights of 16 July 2015; short: DIMRG). The report is presented on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day on 10 December. The DIMRG provides that the German Federal Parliament officially responds to the report. The fifth report 2019/2020 covers the period 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020.

Topic(s): Asylum and migration, Business and human rights, Children's rights, Economic, social and cultural rights, Rights of persons with disabilities
Publisher: German Institute for Human Rights

Filesize: (PDF, 165 KB)
URN: urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-71314-4
Number of pages: 15
Publishing date: 12/2020

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