
Parallel reports to international human rights bodies

National human rights institutions and civil society organisations have the right to submit so-called “parallel reports” to the UN expert committees as part of the state examination procedure and to the UN Human Rights Council as part of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). As Germany’s national human rights institution, the German Institute for Human Rights regularly contributes to these procedures with its own reports on the human rights situation in Germany.

Latest parallel reports

Parallel Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for Germany’s 2nd/3rd State Party review procedure

In this Parallel Report, the National CRPD Monitoring Mechanism highlights aspects of the implementation of the Convention that have proven problematic in Germany, and on which the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the Committee) should focus at the State party review process regarding Germany.

Parallel Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

This Parallel Report addresses 24 problem areas which, in the view of the National Monitoring Body, should receive special attention at the thirteenth meeting of the CRPD Committee in March 2015.

Parallel Report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child on the Combined 5th and 6th Periodic Reports of the Federal Republic of Germany

Realising the Convention’s requirements will require a resolute policy on children’s rights that does not stop at incorporating children’s rights into the Basic Law but also establishes structures that will strengthen the impact of children’s rights in all areas of life.

This report  begins with a discussion of structures and institutions involved in the fulfilment of children’s rights, before turning to concrete examples of implementation – each touching on a general principle of the Convention – drawn from the real-life situations of children.

Supplement to the Parallel Report of the National CRC Monitoring Mechanism

The onset of the coronavirus pandemic was accompanied by significant setbacks in the realisation of the rights of the child in Germany; the initial failure to consider the opinions and views of children and young people under 18 can serve as an example here. Moreover, the crisis threw previously existing deficits into sharp relief, such as the lack of structures in Germany that could have stepped up to ensure respect for children’s rights during a pandemic. The task facing all stakeholders now is to analyse these experiences and use the insights gained to make great progress in the realisation children’s rights in Germany.

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