
Developments of the Human Rights Situation in Germany

In accordance with the Act on the Legal Status and Tasks of the German Institute for Human Rights (DIMRG), the Institute has submitted a report to the German Bundestag annually since 2016. The law stipulates that the Bundestag should comment on the Institute’s report.

On 9th December 2024, the German Institute for Human Rights presented its ninth report to the Bundestag on the development of the human rights situation in Germany. The ninth report covers the period from July 1st 2023 to June 30th 2024 and was published to coincide with International Human Rights Day on 10th December. The report is available as a short version in English and German and as a long version only in German as you can find here.

In its ninth year of publication, the report is dedicated to five topics that were highly relevant to human rights during the reporting period: Protection of refugees, homelessness, exclusion of people with disabilities in the labour market, exploitative working conditions of migrant workers and corporate human rights responsibility.

Data collection

The presentation of the human rights situation is based on various data sources. The Institute analysed publicly available statistics, documents and studies, including printed material from the German Bundestag and the federal states, as well as media reports. The Institute also used a questionnaire to collect data from the interior ministries of the federal states and conducted interviews with experts from the police, data protection authorities and civil society organisations.

Executive Summaries of the Developments of the Human Rights Situation in Germany


© DIMR/B. Dietl

Dr. Claudia Engelmann

Deputy Head of Department

Phone: +4930 259 359 - 471

E-mail: engelmann(at)

Portrait von Magdalena Otto. Sie trägt das lange Haar offen und einen schwarzen Blazer mit einem violetten Oberteil darunter. Sie hat eine Brille auf.
© DIMR/B. Dietl

Dr. Magdalena Otto

Researcher and Policy Adviser

Phone: +4930 259 359-445

E-mail: otto(at)

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