Fortaleza, a port city situated on the north-eastern coast of Brazil, has about 2.5 million inhabitants and is the fourth largest city in Brazil. It is situated in the state of Ceará, which is one of the least developed regions of the country. Various factors have contributed to an enormous shortage of adequate housing in Fortaleza.
The German Development Service supported two projects. 1. NUHAB, a network of non-governmental actors, that fosters participation of people affected by the preparation of a municipal urban development plan, called ‘plano diretor’ (master plan). 2. the Municipal Agency for Social Housing in Fortaleza, ‘Habitafor’, that revises the standard typology for newly constructed social housing and supports the technical preparation of an Inner City Regeneration Plan. The objective of both projects was to facilitate sustainable local development processes to achieve adequate living conditions for the urban poor.
The “Promising Practices” series presents development cooperation programs that have implemented elements of a human rights-based approach. The individual publications describe the measures implemented by the project, its impact and lessons learned.