
On the human rights-based approach in German development cooperation Peace-building

Support to survivors of gender-based violence and to indigenous people in Colombia

In Colombia, countless people have become victims of the armed conflict between the Colombian government and paramilitary units since the mid-1960s. Since 2003, when years of peace efforts finally resulted in a reconciliation agreement between the parties to the conflict, the main focus has been on compensating those affected by the armed conflict - especially women and ethnic minorities - for past injustices within the framework of transitional justice. With the Support for the Colombian Peace Process Programme (ProFis), the BMZ has supported Colombia in aligning the implementation of the Justice and Peace Law with international human rights standards and the principles of transitional justice.

The “Promising Practices” series presents development cooperation programs that have implemented elements of a human rights-based approach. The individual publications describe the measures implemented by the project, its impact and lessons learned.

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Themen: Entwicklungspolitik, Menschenrechte von Frauen
Herausgeber*in: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, German Institute for Human Rights

Größe: (PDF, 1,06 MB)
Seiten: 5
Erschienen: 03/2017

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