
Local Governance: Responsiveness of local administration in Guatemala

In 1996, Guatemala signed the peace accords after 30 years of internal armed conflict. Guatemala then embarked on an ambitious project of development and transformation into a democratic, inclusive and multiethnic society. The Programme started in 2006 and is projected to last to 2013. Its objective is to contribute to tangible improvements in good local governance.

The “Promising Practices” series presents development cooperation programs that have implemented elements of a human rights-based approach. The individual publications describe the measures implemented by the project, its impact and lessons learned.

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Themen: Entwicklungspolitik
Herausgeber*in: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, German Institute for Human Rights

Größe: (PDF, 230 KB)
Seiten: 4
Erschienen: 08/2009

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