
Human Rights and Gender Components of UN and EU Peace Operations

Putting Human Rights and Gender Mandates into Practice

The employment of a peace operation has become an option debated frequently as an instrument to alleviate conflicts, prevent human rights violations and enhance the willingness of warring parties to enter into peace negotiations. The interested public hardly ever learns though what exactly those operations do to reach their ambitious goals. Some aspects of military action may occasionally form part of the daily news, but the activities of civil components are hardly ever regarded as newsworthy. The German Institute for Human Rights examined human rights components and gender aspects of peace operations, starting from the question whether and under which circumstances these have an impact on the ground. Do they meet the needs of civilians? Do they enhance civilians ́ perception of protection through justice and security? Do peace operations approach local society using a gender based approach? The present study allows an insight into functioning, challenges and achievements of human rights and gender components.

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Autor*in: Jeannette Böhme
Themen: Menschenrechte von Frauen
Herausgeber*in: Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte

Größe: (PDF, 414 KB)
ISBN: 978-3-937714-73-8 (PDF)
Seiten: 56
Erschienen: 10/2008

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