
Education: Setting participation in motion for education in Peru

Since 2002, Peru has been developing towards a democratic, decentralised state and has accorded substantial competence in education policy to the regional and local levels. However, comparisons show that learning achievements of Peruvian primary school students are still the second worst in the region.

The Programme for Primary Education (PROEDUCA) was implemented by former GTZ between 2002 and 2007. Former GTZ supported the Peruvian Ministry of Education in improving the formation of teachers and in establishing a demand-driven and decentralised educational administration. It worked with the central government, regional and local authorities and actively engaged civil society in the process. The programme’s objective read: Teachers execute their educational mandate professionally and thereby facilitate efficient and effective learning processes in primary schools.

The “Promising Practices” series presents development cooperation programs that have implemented elements of a human rights-based approach. The individual publications describe the measures implemented by the project, its impact and lessons learned.

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Themen: Entwicklungspolitik, Wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Rechte
Herausgeber*in: German Institute for Human Rights, Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit

Größe: (PDF, 177 KB)
Seiten: 4
Erschienen: 05/2014

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